Thursday, May 23, 2013

I am Pro-Choice and Anti-Abortion

Say what?!? How can one be pro-choice and anti-abortion? Well, its very similar to the concept of separation of Church and State. You see, Jesus had plenty of moral convictions, and many of these ran counter to the legal standards of Jewish and/or Roman societies.

Take divorce, for example. It was common in both Roman and Jewish societies. Jesus said that remarrying was committing adultery. However, he never advocated changing Roman and/or Jewish laws to reflect his moral convictions. He only taught his disciples to follow them.

Now, I believe that abortion is against the Christian faith (except in cases where the mother's life is at stake). I do agree with the pro-lifers on that. However, American society is no longer based upon Christianity (if it ever was is a debate I will not go into here). And its not fair to force the Christian religion upon non-Christians.

It is similar to my opinion on adultery. I unequivocally denounce adultery as immoral, and very un-Christian. However, I do not believe adultery should be illegal. We should not jail or fine adultery. Same with abortion.

So I am all for women's choice to do whatever she wants with her body. I may not agree with a woman's decision to have an abortion, but I do agree with them that it's her choice, not mine. So I vote for their decision to have that choice. I will counsel against abortion in the vast majority of cases if a friend or loved one asks my opinion. However, I will not do anything to stand in their way.

I also work to reduce the amount of abortions by being in favor of sexual education in middle/high schools, and by supporting universal access to birth control. Both of these measures help reduce unwanted pregnancies, and so reduce the number of abortions.

So there you have it, why I am pro-choice and anti-abortion. Feel free to comment below!

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