Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Abandoning Blogger?

I am seriously thinking about switching blog platforms. And it's for one simple reason...

Blogger doesn't support Markdown (My last blog post was written using Markdown, but I had to jump through the proverbial hoops to get it to post on Blogger). I have recently fallen in love with Markdown, and it would be so awesome to be able to use it when blogging. However, Blogger doesn't support it.

I am looking into ways to make Blogger support Markdown. So far, no easy ways to do it. If I can figure it out, then I will not switch.

So what would I switch to? WordPress has some plugins that support Markdown. However, it seems buggy. So far, Tumblr seems like the best bet.

UPDATE: I am moving to WordPress! They have native Markdown support. Hasta la vista, Blogger.
For those who may wish to continue following me, the link to it is here: https://nerdychristiandemocrat.wordpress.com/.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Recommitted to Christ

For you were going astray like sheep; but now have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
(1 Peter 2:25 WEB)

I never stopped going to Church (I’m a proud Episcopalian who takes my kids to Church every week), but i have not been living my life the way I should. I have allowed a couple addictions to take a foothold in my life, such as smoking. I have justified it, but could not make it feel right as long as I kept up with daily prayer and Bible reading. So I abandoned these essential Christian practices.

The night before last, I was watching a Christian movie on Netflix when it hit me like a ton of bricks just how far from God I was. So I finished that last smoke (I smoked a lot while watching tv), went to my bedroom and found my prayer book. I recommitted my life to Jesus Christ. I’m giving up my addictions, I’m recommiting to daily Bible reading and prayer. And I’m hoping to once again post regularily to this blog.